The Case of Honduras after Hurricane Mitch [1] by Jon Magnar Haugen [2] and Cary Fowler [3] Abstract This paper is based on interviews with farmers that received emergency bean-seed provisions in Yorito, Honduras following Hurricane Mitch. It analyses the need for and appropriateness of these provisions. Although crop losses were extensive in Yorito, most farmers were able to … [Read more...] about Reassessing the Need for Emergency Seed Relief Post-Disaster
Journal of Humanitarian Aid
The realities which Humanitarian Aid Organizations must face are explained in this site. Focusing on:
- The difficulty of offering a fast, quality and efficient response which is simultaneously coordinated with all the agents which participate.
- The challenge is to return the humanity which is lost when facing the consequences or a natural disaster or armed conflict.
- The commitment is to provide humanitarian aid in the medium and long term, until restoring the situation, but without overstaying in the zone.
- Raise awareness in the political actors about those areas in which their function is required since humanitarian aid does not pretend to replace local government functions.
- The commitment to point out and denounce those who are guilty of human rights violations.
- The commitment to save lives and relieve human suffering. Keeping the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.
- To be alert before its own aid and cooperation actions, avoiding interfering with possible external solutions.
Therefore, the objective pursued by the cooperation agencies cannot only be that of providing humanitarian aid which solves the basic need of the ones affected. It must go beyond, protecting the victims and making the commitment of pointing out and prosecute the culprits, even when the objective is not to revert or change a political conflict situation, since it is far beyond its capacities.
The keys to humanitarian aid
- Shared Competency: In the area of cooperation for the development of humanitarian aid, the EU will dispose of the competency to carry out actions and a common policy, preventing the exercise of this competency from having as an effect hindering other States to execute their own.
- Humanity: To reduce human suffering wherever it is produced, with especial attention to the most vulnerable people will be ensured.
- Neutrality: the aid must not favor any of the involved parties in an armed or any type of conflict.
- Impartiality: humanitarian aid must be given paying attention only to the needs of the population, without discriminating against people.
- Independence: It refers to the separation between the humanitarian objectives and political, economical, military or any other objectives, its only purpose is to relieve and prevent the suffering of population.
Normalising the Crisis in Africa
Mark Bradbury 4 February, 1998 8 Woodlea Road Stoke Newington London N16 OTP INTRODUCTION The critique of conventional relief strategies in complex political emergencies well developed (Duffield, 1994; Macrae & Zwi, 1994). This critique, however, has not been accompanied by an analysis of the effectiveness of development aid on conflict … [Read more...] about Normalising the Crisis in Africa
Post-Modern Conflict and Humanitarian Action
Questioning the Paradigm © 1999 Seán Greenaway – All Rights Reserved The relationship which has grown up between States and non-governmental actors in responding to human needs in contemporary conflicts is characterised by fundamental moral as well as operational ambiguities. A healthy ethic and a viable response cannot avoid the need to rethink fundamental aspects of … [Read more...] about Post-Modern Conflict and Humanitarian Action
Humanitarian issues in the Biafra conflict
Working Paper No. 36 Nathaniel H. Goetz Pepperdine University School of Public Policy California USA E-mail: April 2001 These working papers provide a means for UNHCR staff, consultants, interns and associates to publish the preliminary results of their research on refugee-related issues. The papers do not represent the official views of UNHCR. They are also … [Read more...] about Humanitarian issues in the Biafra conflict
The Use of Hydrocarbon Resources under Belligerent Occupation – The Question of the Iraqi Oil
By Maurice Voyame[1] Introduction Nearly one year ago a small coalition of States led by the United States of America and the United Kingdom invaded Iraq and overthrown the regime of Saddam Hussein. Since the coalition force gained effective control over the territory of Iraq, accompanied by the official end of hostilities, Iraq must be regarded as occupied territory. This … [Read more...] about The Use of Hydrocarbon Resources under Belligerent Occupation – The Question of the Iraqi Oil