by Dr Neil Andersson Founder and Executive Director, the CIET group of NGOs [Document first posted on 28 March 1998] email: Abstract Women are key players in development and a decade of CIET experience in 42 countries has produced several lessons worth sharing and many mistakes worth avoiding as we work to build the community voice in … [Read more...] about Gender issues in building the community voice into planning
Journal of Humanitarian Aid
The realities which Humanitarian Aid Organizations must face are explained in this site. Focusing on:
- The difficulty of offering a fast, quality and efficient response which is simultaneously coordinated with all the agents which participate.
- The challenge is to return the humanity which is lost when facing the consequences or a natural disaster or armed conflict.
- The commitment is to provide humanitarian aid in the medium and long term, until restoring the situation, but without overstaying in the zone.
- Raise awareness in the political actors about those areas in which their function is required since humanitarian aid does not pretend to replace local government functions.
- The commitment to point out and denounce those who are guilty of human rights violations.
- The commitment to save lives and relieve human suffering. Keeping the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.
- To be alert before its own aid and cooperation actions, avoiding interfering with possible external solutions.
Therefore, the objective pursued by the cooperation agencies cannot only be that of providing humanitarian aid which solves the basic need of the ones affected. It must go beyond, protecting the victims and making the commitment of pointing out and prosecute the culprits, even when the objective is not to revert or change a political conflict situation, since it is far beyond its capacities.
The keys to humanitarian aid
- Shared Competency: In the area of cooperation for the development of humanitarian aid, the EU will dispose of the competency to carry out actions and a common policy, preventing the exercise of this competency from having as an effect hindering other States to execute their own.
- Humanity: To reduce human suffering wherever it is produced, with especial attention to the most vulnerable people will be ensured.
- Neutrality: the aid must not favor any of the involved parties in an armed or any type of conflict.
- Impartiality: humanitarian aid must be given paying attention only to the needs of the population, without discriminating against people.
- Independence: It refers to the separation between the humanitarian objectives and political, economical, military or any other objectives, its only purpose is to relieve and prevent the suffering of population.
Aiding peace and war: UNHCR, returnee reintegration, and the relief-development debate
NEW ISSUES IN REFUGEE RESEARCH Working Paper No. 14 Joanna Macrae Humanitarian Policy Group Overseas Development Institute Portland House Stag Place London SW1E 5DP United Kingdom e-mail: <> December 1999 These working papers provide a means for UNHCR staff, consultants, interns and associates to publish the preliminary results of their research on … [Read more...] about Aiding peace and war: UNHCR, returnee reintegration, and the relief-development debate
Africa’s World War in the DRC and International Consciousness
Virgil Hawkins ( (Abstract) The world’s view of the state of armed conflict is severely distorted, in that it bears almost no resemblance to the actual scale or severity of conflicts in the world. This is primarily due to the highly selective and increasingly assimilated agendas of the media, policymakers, the public and academia. This situation … [Read more...] about Africa’s World War in the DRC and International Consciousness
Mechanisms for Conflict Management in West Africa: Politics of Harmonization
Mechanisms for Conflict Management in West Africa: Politics of Harmonization Ambassador Olu Adeniji The pattern of co-operation in West Africa has been marked in a most remarkable manner by its colonial past. Among the sub-regions into which the OAU has divided Africa, none has been polarised as West Africa. Indeed the sub-region was described as the most varied in Africa in … [Read more...] about Mechanisms for Conflict Management in West Africa: Politics of Harmonization
Environmental refugees: myth or reality?
Richard Black Director, CDE University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton BN1 9SJ United Kingdom e-mail: March 2001 These working papers provide a means for UNHCR staff, consultants, internsand associates to publish the preliminary results of their research on refugeerelated issues. ISSN 1020-7473 Introduction As the UN Refugee Convention passes its 50th … [Read more...] about Environmental refugees: myth or reality?